The box that started my blog if finally here, no pressure Ipsy! I finally got off this waiting list and got to received the September box.
Every month Ipsy packs everything into a different make up bag design. I really like this one and the studs on it are pretty cool.
Everything I got in my bag is right here.
Don't mind my finger in this picture I couldn't get it to not roll off my table. Here we have a deep conditioning mask from Briogeo, another perfect product for fall. If you live in Canada you know it gets really dry for then next few month. By few I mean 7 month, so my skin can use a much conditioning as it can get.
This is a toner, serum and moisturizer in one, yup my hair will love this.
This is just a basic eye liner in a brown colour
This is a tinted lip gloss and mine is "Cailyn", see below for my swatch.
Such a pretty fall colour! I really like it.
On a side note I have a picture box i'm going to start using next week when I get home from work.
Verdict: No complaints for my first Ipsy box!